Leaky gut syndrome – also called increased intestinal permeability – is a condition that has received growing attention in recent years: a compromised intestinal barrier that allows pathogens such as toxins, bacteria, and undigested food particles to pass through and enter the bloodstream, which activates cascades of immune reactions resulting in inflammation, autoimmunity and often impairment of many systems of the body, including food sensitivity.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

It is a condition in which the intestinal lining becomes perforated, so larger-than-normal particles can squeeze their way through into the bloodstream. That barrier is naturally selective, allowing nutrients that the body needs to be absorbed and keeping out toxic contaminants from the gut (that includes partially digested food molecules, along with the microbes and parasites that live in the gut). When the barrier is breached, it can have profound consequences for health in general, including food sensitivities.

Causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Several factors can contribute to the development of leaky gut syndrome, including:

1. Dietary factors: A diet high in processed foods, sugar, gluten, and alcohol disrupts the delicate protective lining of the bowel, leading to inflammation.

2. Chronic Stress: Long-term stress impairs the immune system and dislodges the equilibrium of gut bacteria in favor of pathogens, both of which can cause leaky gut syndrome.

3. Drugs: Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or antibiotics can damage the gut microbiome and increase intestinal permeability.

4. Environmental Toxins: Exposures to environmental toxins (pesticides, heavy metals, pollutants) damage the lining of the gut and can promote leaky gut syndrome.

Graphic showing the importance of gut health for overall well-being

Impact on Inflammation

Leaky gut syndrome is strongly associated with whole-body inflammation. When toxins and other harmful microbes pass from the gut into the bloodstream, the body reacts by stimulating an inflammatory response to try to neutralize the invaders. Chronic inflammation can underlie numerous conditions:

Gastrointestinal Problems: Inflammation in the gut will present as bloating, belching, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Joint pain: Inflammatory molecules circulating in the bloodstream can cause joint pain and stiffness.

Diseases of the skin: such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne, can become worse because of systemic inflammation.

Connection to Autoimmunity

Leaky gut syndrome is thought to be involved in the development and worsening of autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases are caused by the immune system attacking its tissues. The leaky gut hypothesis presupposes that the passage of foreign substances into the circulation is followed by an immune reaction that can lead to the development of autoimmune diseases, including:

  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  2. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
  3. Multiple Sclerosis
  4. Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Image showing inflammation in the gut lining

Effects on Multisystem Function

The effects of leaky gut syndrome are not limited to the gut and the immune system alone. Studies suggest that a leaky gut can impact many other systems and processes in the body, such as:

Gut Function: The gut-brain axis links the two together, and gut dysbiosis has even been linked to neuropsychiatric disorders including depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline.

Metabolism: Leaky gut syndrome can contribute to obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.

Cardiovascular Health: Chronic cardiovascular inflammation associated with a leaky gut may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Impact on Food Sensitivity

A leaky gut can also promote the development of food sensitivities. If undigested food particles leak into the bloodstream, they can be perceived as foreign invaders by the immune system, which would then mount an immune response. This can result in:

Digestive Distress: bloating, gas, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or nausea after eating.

Skin Reactions: Food sensitivities can also lead to skin disturbances such as rashes, itching, and eczema.

Respiratory Symptoms: Food sensitivities can cause respiratory symptoms, such as nasal congestion, sneezing, and wheezing.

AspectQualitative Data
PrevalenceApproximately 80% of the population may have some degree of intestinal permeability
DiagnosisLaboratory tests such as lactulose/mannitol ratio, zonulin levels, and stool tests can assess intestinal permeability
Association with DiseaseLeaky gut syndrome has been linked to various conditions including autoimmune diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, and food sensitivities
Impact on InflammationIncreased intestinal permeability can lead to elevated levels of inflammatory markers such as cytokines and C-reactive protein
Treatment OptionsStrategies for addressing leaky gut include dietary modifications, probiotics, gut-healing supplements, and stress management techniques
Gut Microbiome ChangesLeaky gut can alter the composition of the gut microbiota, leading to dysbiosis and potential health implications
Overview of Qualitative Data on Leaky Gut Syndrome and its Implications


In summary, given the profound implications of leaky gut syndrome on inflammation, autoimmunity, multisystem dysfunction, and food reactivity, it is imperative to address the underlying gut health issues at the root of these common problems. This may be achieved through dietary and lifestyle approaches, which could reduce the deleterious effects of this malady.

Your health is important to us. If you are ready to take a step towards better gut health, we want to support you on this journey! Here is an offer for a free initial health assessment and consultation with us. It is an opportunity to find out what your health needs are, and an opportunity to work alongside you to feel your best. Let us get started! Click Here


1. Can leaky gut syndrome cause food sensitivities?

Yes, pouring undigested food particles into your bloodstream can give you food sensitivities.

2. How can I tell if I have food sensitivities caused by leaky gut syndrome?

Symptoms are a variety of digestive, skin, or respiratory symptoms that appear after eating trigger foods. Keeping a food diary and working with a healthcare professional can help identify trigger foods.

3. Can leaky gut syndrome lead to multiple food sensitivities?

Indeed, chronic leaky gut syndrome can result in increased intestinal permeability and with time, sensitivity development to multiple foods.

4. Can leaky gut syndrome be reversed to alleviate food sensitivities?

This could be as simple as dietary and lifestyle modifications to reduce the causes of leaky gut syndrome.

5. Are there specific dietary strategies to support gut healing and reduce food sensitivities?

Yes, a whole foods-based diet high in fiber, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories can optimize the healing of the gut and reduce the chances of food sensitivities.